Established in 1922, Woburn Sands Bowls Club moved, in April 2015, from the centre of Woburn Sands to new premises in Aspley Guise off Common Lane, near to the golf club.
Our new facilities are second to none. We have one of the finest grass greens in the area as well as a 4 rink artificial green which allows us all year round bowling. Set in peaceful and attractive grounds our well-equipped clubhouse and bar hosts many social events throughout the year including quiz nights, wine tasting evenings and our renowned meals.
We welcome new members of both sexes, all ages and all abilities and offer coaching sessions from our 10 coaches. We also provide for disabled players.
Friendly fixtures against other local clubs take place most weekends during the Summer season and we have many internal fun competitions for all members throughout the year. Bowling is a great way to meet new friends in a relaxed atmosphere.
For the more serious bowler we are affiliated to Bowls England and Buckinghamshire Bowls Association and take part in many National and County competitions.
As with most privately run clubs we depend on the use of volunteers from the membership to help with various tasks for the smooth running of the club, The management committee appoint managers for the various tasks who organise the volunteers in rotas for the season.
If you are interested in joining our friendly club please contact the secretary by email